Collection of Collections, our New Orleans creative studio has been collecting independent magazines since 2015. In 2024, we turned our home studio into a magazine library for folks to slow down.

Room for Reading stems from our love of tactile, print matter. Nothing compares to the thrill of running your fingers over textured pages or being completely enveloped in the design of the written word alongside photographs.

We invite aficionados and the curious alike to immerse themselves in the world of independent print.

A fiery rage burns deep within so many of us. We don’t want to put it out, we want to channel it. But how do we keep it burning without it engulfing us completely?

Rest. Ritual. Reading…At least for us. And we know many of you. It’s important for us to share our resources with community. With censorship rearing its ugly head, we wanted to provide a space to settle in and read different perspectives, imagine new worlds, and uplift spirits. We know we won’t change the entire world but we can at least change our own world(s).

All photos by Tiffany Smith.

Get off your screen and read a magazine.

Get off your screen and read a magazine.

Get off your screen and read a magazine.

While Room for Reading is not a retail space, it is a resource space. Enjoy the low ceilings of our studio, chill the f*ck out, and get inspired by our collection of print publications.